I am so excited to see everyone!! The future is looking bright for the Malden Library and that is because our patrons love having a library.
— Vanessa Place, librarian
The Malden Library is once again open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2-6 p.m. in the new modular building at Malden Community Park.
In order to ensure a safe experience for staff and patrons, the Library has implemented Covid safety procedures. Please wear a face covering at all times and maintain appropriate social distancing requirements. Two people at a time are allowed in to enjoy 15 minutes of browsing materials and 30 minutes of use on the computers. Curbside is available for those who need it.
Wi-fi is available 24 hours a day for use outside the building.
In addition, librarian Vanessa Place has mental wellness-focused Care Kits for kids, teens, adults, and seniors. The Care Kits, distributed throughout the Whitman County Library District, are designed as hands-on activity kits to help recipients relax, revive, and reduce stress. Kits include rock painting, extreme dot-to-dots, word finds, jigsaw puzzles, healthy recipes, and local resources. Supplies are limited, please contact Vanessa at malden@whitco.lib.wa.us for more information.